First stop, the Singapore River cruise, which leaves from Clark Quay. Named after Sir Andrew Clarke, Singapore's second Governor and Governor of the Straits Settlements from 1873 to 1875, it positioned Singapore as the main port for the Malay states of Perak, Selangor and Sungei Ujong.

My last visit to CQ was about 20 years ago when the first redevelopment program of transforming the old shop houses into a cluster of quaint restaurants and pubs took place.If you get the timing right, you are in for a great photo shoot from sunset to twilight.
Having strength in numbers, a large group of Mandarin-speaking tourists led by an aggressive tour leader bull-dozed ahead of us.
Who says English is the most important language in the world? But as luck would have it, the English tour being less popular had a boatload of only 6 passengers. And so in peace and quiet we slipped into the setting sun!Now overly developed with restaurants and pubs on either side of the banks, CQ is the watering hole for expats and Singaporean yuppies. Indo Chin exudes ethnic charm but others remind of plastic fast food outlets.
The scenic trip traverses under at least 3 bridges.
The Fullerton Hotel has a colourful history, with beginings as Fort Fullerton in 1820, strategically positioned to protect the colony from intruders. In 1867 it was converted to the General Post Office Building.
By 1919 the real estate value had risen and an extravagant project or rebuilding, costing $4 million, was undertaken by the then Governor, Sir Hugh Clifford. A British architect from England with aspirations of practicing his skills in classical Greek architecture, (after having gone to town with the Mogul style in Kuala Lumpur perhaps!) tore down the Aberdeen granite turrets and up went the Doric columns.
Formula One's first night race was held in Singapore on 28 September 2008, estimated to draw 80,000 spectators, but actually packed in 100,000, which exceeded other F1 events. The F1 Grand Stand and track is set around the Bay.
As we approached the mouth of the Singapore River, the Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay came into view. Initially described as "two copulating aardvarks" as the original drawing comprised two unadorned glass cases covering the theatres.
The projected date of completion is end 2009, however recent rumours foretell money woes to the tune of S$2 billion resulting in project delays.