Tuesday 20 September 2011

Cooking@The Hilt ~ Lamb all the way ~ Part I

Do you feel intimidated by those shoulders, legs and racks at the meat section? I am. So when the September class by Chef Michael Elfwing, Get Cooking @ The Hilt: Fresh ways with Lamb was announced, it was a given that I attend. 

The menu was massive - lamb shoulder, cutlets, 'lollipops' of ribs and burgers. 

With his usual charm and ease at imparting information, Chef Michael Elfwing took 13 participants through the anatomy, slicing and preparation of the various cuts of lamb from shoulder with and without bone to ribs with and without fat.

Preparation of the spices and seasoning from toasting to the finer choices of grinding or mashing with a mortar and pestle for different textures were shared.  


Dukkha mix of hazelnuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, coriander seeds, cumin, chilli powder, baharat (white & black pepper, cinnamon, cloves).

Hummus - chickpeas, garlic, tahini, paprika, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice & zest
Lamb seasoned with olive oil and thyme; barbecued on a ridged griddle pan. 
Lamb rubbed in Dukkha mix; hummus and salad plated.
Barbecued lamb 'lollipops' hummus and nuts  

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